Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 3 EOC: My Demographic

My demographic would be Generation Y or a Millennial. I would agree with the textbook on the point of us being very comfortable with digital technology. Growing up and being introduced to all of this new technology really helped to further understand it all I myself never seem to have a problem with any new device that I am able to get my hands on. I’m always wanting the new thing and constantly looking for it. I agree with the internet most definitely a way of life to me I think I would be completely lost without my phone on me which is kind of scary to think. I spend a majority of my time far as the traditional household goes my household consisted of a single mom working a lot to help support me and my siblings. Once I got old enough I did take care of myself and siblings and would go home after school and wait for my mom to get home from work. As for as customization goes I would agree with that as well, I’m always looking for a way to make something my own and completely original. I agree with the book saying we are all diverse. Living where I’m at now I know a lot of people my age of all different races and nationalities so the point of us being diverse is true. I would say I agree with most of all the statements made about my demographic.

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